Where Will Marvel’s Agents Of Shield Go Post Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

I’m going to attempt to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.

capmI’ll most likely be writing more in depth about my thoughts on Captain America: The Winter Soldier later (short version: those who are saying it may be the best Marvel movie yet may be right), there is one aspect of the movie that intrigued me throughout the entire thing, and that is just how the events of the film would impact the ongoing Agents of Shield TV show.

For those who haven’t been keeping up with the television version of our favorite Marvel spy agency, I’ll simply say that the events of the movie actually take place about half way through last week’s episode. As a matter of fact, there are a couple of events in the show that directly reflect things that occur during the course of the film. And it’s fairly obvious that those events will be followed up on in this week’s episode. No, I doubt that we’ll get actual scenes from the movie in the episode (though given the Marvel/Disney/ABC relationship, I suppose it is possible) but there’s absolutely no way that the show could not be affected by what we see occur in the movie. This level of integration, however, has to be unique in the course of television/movie history. Sure, we’ve seen movies that have been made between season’s of shows before, or ones made after and retrofitted to fall into the television continuity, but this just brings that kind of idea to a new height.

And the thing about it is that it’ being done in such a way that while either can be viewed as a stand-alone entity, watching both simply enhances the experience for those who are, and for that I definitely have to give kudos to Marvel. This is the kind of integration that the Comic book universe was built on in the first place, and made it so unique in its early days, and to see it brought to it’s current ongoing
Marvel studios universe is really pretty exciting.

Anyway, here’s a promo for the TV series that highlights the “it’s all connected”ness of the two entities:

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