A Quick Site Update

m1You may have noticed that posts here lately have been few and far between. yes, that is partially due to the holidays, but it’s also because I’m working on a pretty major revamp of the site for the upcoming new year.

Now, when i say “revamp”, I’m not so much talking about the look of the site (though I’m sure that could use some work to, and I will get around to it eventually) as I am the content.

So what’s going to change? Well, I’m not quite ready to say just yet, but i will let you in on a couple of things: first, both Silent Sunday and the Double Feature will definitely be hanging around (though even they might undergo some slight changes); second, most of the other features will be hanging around in some form or fashion. The biggest thing you’ll really notice is that I’m going to be moving away from the “this day for this feature” format. For instance, where before it was Monday is Made-for-TV movies and Tuesday is Old Time Radio day, those won’t be set in stone anymore. there will still be features on both of those topics, but the day they show up won’t be quite as rigid.

Why? Well, again, it’s a two part answer. One reason is that I often find myself not quite giving things the time and in-depth attention that I really want to because I feel the pressure to have them ready for posting each week. Quite often lately, I’ve found myself saying “Ooh, I’d like to get into that a little more, but I can’t take the extra day it would take to do the research and write it up because it needs to be posted tomorrow. So in not sticking to that kind of arbitrary, self-imposed deadline, hopefully you, my readers, will be getting more quality writing.

The second reason is simply that I have more ideas and want to try out more different things than that type of format will allow. Some of them will be more involved, some of them may just warrant a trial to see how they work, but the main point right now is simply to give myself just a bit more freedom to let things grow a bit more organically.

Anyway, mostly I just wanted to let you all know at least part of what was going on with the blog and to reassure you that all new content will be coming, starting with our annual “celebration” of Public Domain Day on January 1st.

And between now and then, well, in the words of someone famous “I would like you to do us a favor, though”. If you have any ideas or thoughts or suggestions – things you would like to see, new ideas, things you want to see more of or less of or want to make sure don’t go away or get overlooked, please let me know in the comments below, or you can email me directly at durnmoosemovies@gmail.com . I would love to get your input and know what you want to see here. And I promise, no matter how outrageous you think your suggestion might be, if I find it interesting or intriguing, I’ll at least consider it.

Oh, and one last thing: if you’re here and reading this, thank you. I definitely appreciate everyone who comes here and shares a little bit of their day with me. And especially if you like, share, or leave a comment, it means so much.

Now go on, get out of here. Go watch a movie. Do your holiday thing. Spend some time with your family. But don’t forget to pop back by in the new year to see what we’ve gotten up to here.

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