The Case Of The Gilded Lily (2017)

There’s a great variety of quality when it comes to film parodies.There are the all-time greats, such as Airplane! which delivers so many laughs it almost requires rewatching just to catch them all. Then there are the ones like Epic Movie which would be hard pressed to garner much more than an amused grimace.

The Case of the Gilded Lily honestly fits somewhere in between, It’s not a throw so many things at the audience that something has to be funny type of movie. Instead it’s more low key,  but so smartly written and the lines delivered with such drollness that there are laughs aplenty.

While watching The Case of the Gilded Lily I was reminded of one of my favorite recent parodies, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. Part of the reason is that like Cadavra and the other movies created by Larry Blamire and company is that they use the same players as a repertory company in most of their films, so that the actors alreay know each other, an have a working rapport that translates well to the screen. This is also the case with Gilded Lily, which is a product of the Shipwrecked Comedy company who have also produced the short film series  Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party.

Also of note is that the project was funded through Kickstarter, where they have, to date, raised more than $43,000 for the project proving that I’m not the only one who loves a good parody.

So what are you waiting for? Check it out below.

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